About Verna – Entrepreneur and Author


Last Updated:  March 29, 2024

Hi everyone!

Welcome to https://momstrustedaffiliate.com!

Entrepreneur and Author
Entrepreneur and Author

My name is Verna.  I hope that as you cruise through my website and articles, you will feel there is a way to make a change within your life, and those changes will positively impact people close to you.  If you have ever wanted to be a boss and are looking for a way to get out of financial debt, this is the place for you.

I firmly believe that we can plot the direction of our lives to any path we want, even if that path is not so good. The problem is that we usually don’t deal with ourselves, particularly our innermost desires.

Most of us are not disciplined enough or determined enough to improve our lives.  To begin to do that, we have to be passionate about what we want and not let anything get in the way of what we want for our lives and even for our children (grown or not).

As much as I love my family and good friends, I was determined not to let any of them derail my efforts to improve my life by becoming financially independent. I kept what I was doing a secret because I didn’t want to hear the blah from the naysayers! Now, they are jumping on the bandwagon with me!!

Fear is the most significant restraint that prevents us from taking action. It makes us concentrate on why we shouldn’t do something rather than realizing the excellent results from moving forward. When you recognize the real and honest opportunity to move toward your financial freedom, any fears you could create will disappear.

I believe in transparency and honesty. Over the years, I have met with disappointment after disappointment because I thought what people were telling me about making money online was valid.  I trusted they would educate me on how to make money, but they failed, and I lost my trust for a long time.  I decided to trust again, and I am glad I did.

I knew that many people were making honest-to-goodness livings from online businesses, and that is what I wanted to do, and I couldn’t rest until I did! I found it, and I haven’t looked back! I can show you what I saw.  Someone helped me, and I genuinely believe we reap what we sow. If I did not honestly believe in this opportunity, I would not recommend it to you or anyone else.

My Self Introduction

We're growing by leaps and bounds!
We’re growing by leaps and bounds!
Maryland crabs with the famous Old Bay seasoning.
Maryland crabs with the famous Old Bay seasoning.

I retired in 2009 as a Fraud Investigator for the Federal Government after 40 years of service.

I am the divorced mother of three adult children, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren (my house is still like Grand Central Station!!). I now have a total of 12 grandchildren!

I am a Maryland native. I enjoy traveling by car, dining out, sewing/crocheting, machine embroidery, creating vinyl t-shirt designs,  crabs, and the Ravens!

Although I retired 15 years ago, I haven’t been able to experience what it feels like to be retired! Since my retirement, I had six separate surgeries. Victoriously, I become a seventeen-year breast cancer survivor in April 2024!  Now, I’m fulfilling the desires of my life!

My dream was to finish my college degree and start my own business after I retired. However, life events caused me to put my goals on hold again.

Even though I was fighting a battle myself, I didn’t have much time for myself since I spent most of my days caring for my ill brother and my two elderly Aunts!

After the first year of my retirement, my days were filled with family care-taking obligations and maintaining my health.  I’m glad I could help my family, but it was a never-ending job.

It was during that time that I struggled with my inner self, trying not to be resentful for what my life had become because of my illness and the obligation I had to take care of my family members. To keep my sanity, I had to figure out how to accept my role in life.

My best friend said that God intended me to be a caregiver because I was always putting myself on the shelf if there was someone who needed my help. At first, I agreed with her, but at some point, I realized that my life didn’t have to be like that.  I plotted the path my life was on because I allowed it.

I could have found other solutions and didn’t have to sacrifice my life to care for others, no matter how much I loved them. I loved myself enough and was determined to make changes for my own sake!

As hard as it was, sometimes, I had to develop a plan for my self-empowerment to control my destiny.

After I retired, I returned to college, maintained a 4.0 GPA, and worked for a dual degree in General Studies and Information Technology (IT). That was the one thing that I did to satisfy myself.  I am now involved in my own online business.

Due to medical issues and other life events, I had to put aside my online business for more time than I wanted to.  However, I recently was able to get back on that horse!  I am glad to say I’m happy to be back doing what I want.

It will take some time to get things up and running again and catch up on all the changes, but I am up to the task!  It feels like I’m starting over, but that’s okay because I have never been one to give up easily!  I’m not where I thought I would be, but I continue to direct my path to success! 

Extending My Helping Hand

Caring for and helping others is very important, and I feel good when I can be a blessing.  Caring for and helping others is just who I am. This website is just another way I can continue to help others.

A door opened to me, and I walked through it and took the most excellent opportunity I had ever encountered. It was an opportunity to gain and take control of my financial freedom!

Providing you with that opportunity allows me to help you do the same. If I can help you bring good change to your financial freedom and build your own business, you help me in return by giving me much satisfaction, knowing I have been blessed to be a blessing to others.

I regret that this opportunity did not cross my path earlier when I struggled to raise my kids alone while working 60-plus hours weekly.  I can only fantasize about what our lives could have been like if it had.

Letting mothers, and anyone for that matter, know that there is a real honest-to-goodness opportunity available to them is my small way of paying it forward.

I am taking another step forward at Wealthy Affiliate, which will allow me to expand my embroidery hobby into my next online business. I am very excited about this next experience, which I enjoy.

Business_Motivation (136)

Again, I’m Verna. It was great to “meet” you. Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Comment below, or you can contact me through wealthyaffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).

Founder of Moms Trusted Affiliate

I'm a survivor!
I’m a survivor!

email: verna@momstrustedaffiliate.com



  1. Laurie

    I like your site, lots of good information. I will return.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Thanks Laurie.

      Feel free to come back anytime. I welcome all visitors. Just let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

  2. alkin

    YOU are one tough cookie made with real dirt and water you are a real foot soldier after reading this you touched me very deeply and still you keep on moving, love your background colour I really hope that WA works out for me too

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Thank you so much for the kind words. When you know that so many people look up to you and count on you, you learn to be strong. My strength comes from my faith and the love of my family. My parents taught me determination and to never give up and never be afraid to fail. Failure is not a fault. It is a learning tool. So when you fail, you just pick yourself up and keep trying until you win the fight. It’s kept me going for a long time now. I am who I am because of God and all the good people that I have had and do have in my life.

      Wealthy Affiliate will work out for you I’m sure. Just stay determined, learn everything you can and never give up. One thing is for sure– if you give up you can never win!

      Thanks for taking the time to view a little about myself. I hope that you were encouraged to be the best that you can be and to help others along your way.

      Please come back anytime. If there is anything I can do to help you, please feel free to let me know.

  3. Bhavana

    Thank you Verna for letting me look at your example of the About Me post. I loved reading yours. It was so inspirational and made me think that we have some things in common like wanting to help others! You have written yours out so very well….I don’t know if I am such a good writer! But I will try. Thanks so much!

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Bhavana,

      Thank you for the kind words. I have always been someone who puts others before myself. However, as I have gotten older I have learned to say “No” a little more because I find that if I can’t take care of myself I can’t help others. Plus my grown kids are starting to insist upon it!

      I hope that my page was helpful to you. Please stop by anytime if you need help.




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