Wealthy Affiliate University Review


Last Update:  June 16, 2018

See My Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review – The Truth




Affiliate Training Platform

WA University




I actually came upon an affiliate training platform that continually adds new resources and maintains current, ongoing step-by-step training.

This is the best affiliate training program for beginning entrepreneurs trying to get their feet wet in the arena of online marketing.

Affiliate marketing is only one example of online marketing. I will make every effort to give you my honest Wealthy Affiliate review so you will be able to make an informed decision about it’s worth.

I hope this product review of Wealthy Affiliate will show you the value of the training made available to all who are seeking to earn money online or even to just learn how to build a website.  WA could easily become your most valuable resource library.

The purpose of writing this review is to let as many people as I can to know that they don’t have to squash their dreams about earning money online. I found a solution for people to be successful in building an online business even if they have no technology experience.

The solution is Wealthy Affiliate. I can guarantee that the Wealthy Affiliate University is the real deal. It is in no way, shape, or form a scam.  But, it can possibly be the answer to your dreams.  I know it was to mine.

Like many of you, I was about to throw in the towel thinking I would never be able to create my very own online business. Even though I have used computers for many years, I just didn’t have the technical knowledge to build a website or to know what to do with after I built it.

But, right at the time, I was about to give up I was directed to the Wealthy Affiliate website. That website was where I got my confidence to put the light back into my dream. That is where I would learn to create a website that would generate traffic and passive income. I was ready to jump in full steam ahead!



There are quite a number of website builders to choose from and many of them provide you with just about the same resources, but all are not equal!  Some are platforms that concentrate mostly on training, some concentrate mostly on website building, some are free and some are paid sites.

I think it would be fair to say that there are advantages and disadvantages to all of them and one may be preferred over another by only a single detail.

A good website builder should offer great services that assist beginner entrepreneurs to build income generating websites. They should provide complete hosting services along with a wide range of other resources that will help beginners to build meaningful traffic that will result in substantial passive income.

Let me keep it real. Even though education is offered, it is still difficult for beginners to understand all the technical details. Something more needs to bridge that gap. Let’s see how Wealthy Affiliate does just that!

Membership Levels at WA

Wealthy Affiliate has two levels of membership. The starter membership is free but has limited access to resources after the first 7 days. The Premium membership is a paid membership and gives you complete access to all resources provided.


Starter Membership

Wealthy Affiliate’s starter membership gives you 2 free websites and there will be no need for a credit card. During the first 7 days of your Starter membership, you will have complete access to all resources at WA the same as a Premium member.

This period allows you to get a feel of all you can do at WA and a chance to decide if you want a full membership. Your free starter membership does have restrictions after the 7 days ends.

After the first 7 days expire, your access to the training will be limited to the “Getting Started – Level 1” training and “Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1”. You can continue the lessons until you have completed both class segments.

You do this at your own pace. Additionally, your access to the Wealthy Affiliate community will be restricted. At the end of the first 7 days, starter members will no longer have access to anything dealing with support and coaching, live chat, discussions, comments or blogging.

I recommend that during the first 7 days, you take advantage of the free resources by familiarizing yourself with all the different areas of the website.

Make sure you ask questions and get help from the community members and begin the lesson in the Getting Started-Level 1 so you can learn how to get around the site. Use those first 7 days to build the framework for your online business.

The free training alone is more than you would receive from any other affiliate training platform with a paid membership. The 2 free websites will be yours forever even if you don’t choose to upgrade to a premium membership.


Premium Membership

As a Premium member, you will have access to all the great resources available at Wealthy Affiliate (as shown in the chart above) for a reasonable cost of only $49.00 per month (which equates to only $1.63 per day) or $359.00 per year.

If you pay for a full year you will save $229.00 since paying monthly will cost $588.00 for a full year.  It is understandable that for some it’s easier to pay the $49 a month. You can always upgrade to a Premium membership anytime.

But, I recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible to get the full benefit of all the resources to assist you to get your business to its peak performance. The decision is up to you.

The cost is reasonable for the services and resources. Let’s face it, I don’t know of any business that can be started without any startup money whatsoever!

There is no other affiliate training platform that offers the value of resources and services that the Wealthy Affiliate University extends to the starter and/or premium members.

Surefire step-by-step training has been established for you to follow and if you follow the training exactly you will be a winner. You don’t have to figure anything out yourself because the business model has already been created for you.

All you have to do is be motivated and willing to learn. The resources are laid out before you, but you will have to do the work. No one else can do it for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Live Community

For me, the live community is the most valuable resource. My background is in Information technology and Web Design. I have the educational experience, but I never actually had any real hands-on experience to apply what I learned outside of the traditional classroom.

There will be times when you need questions answered or a point clarified.  It’s nothing more frustrating to have to wait days for someone to answer if you get an answer at all! It’s not like that at Wealthy Affiliate.

The community discussions are live 24/7!  WA is a global community so people are in the live chat sessions all the time.


Sometimes I’m up until all hours of the morning and I can still get a question answered. Many of the members are experienced affiliate marketers who stay, not because they need to, but because they want to.

They are actually paying (membership fees) to provide assistance to other members who need help.

Interacting with other members enables you to continually learn different tips and how-tos of what the veteran affiliate marketers are doing. Don’t copy, but gain the influence from them.

So, take advantage of this resource because you will gain so much more insight to help you complete your website. On top of that, you will meet new people and come to develop good relationships here in WA.

Another good observation about the live community is that the founders are serious about keeping the community free of spam and self-serving promotions of members own products.

That is a no-no and will result in immediate and serious consequences. Since I have been a member I have never seen any offending language or members trying to promote their own business products.

That is a good thing. I can’t say that for some other affiliate training programs.

Wealthy Affiliate has a ZERO tolerance for community solicitation, promotion, profanity, and Spam. WA provided a link where the member could read more about the rules of participation and expressed a willingness to discuss the matter further via email if the member desired so.

Hosting at WA

Website hosting is when an internet hosting service allows individuals or businesses websites to be reachable to the world via the World Wide Web (www).

Website hosts are people who own companies that provide space on servers and internet connection that are used by those individuals and businesses.

Creating a website is of no value and can’t help you earn an income if no one has access to it. Therefore, a website can’t exist alone.

It must reside somewhere other than just your computer. That residence will be a hosting service.

All hosting service providers are not equal so buyers beware! Research before purchasing service. My article, Build a Website has a segment that explains what to look for in a hosting service.

Wealthy Affiliate offers the fastest and highest-powered servers offered in the industry.

I can think of no better person to tell you about the hosting service at Wealthy Affiliate (my recommendation), than Kyle himself, one of the WA founders.

This is what Kyle says:

Thanks for the help, Kyle. I could not have said it any better than you already have!!

Transparency – WA Hosting Doesn’t Have It All

I must give you full information. There are some hosting aspects that Wealthy Affiliate does not include in the hosting.

  1. WA operates its hosting on a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) basis. There are no package options.
  2. Do not have options for dedicated servers.
  3. As of May 2018, Wealthy Affiliate offers SSL Certificates for all Premium members for free,
  4. You will have to use WordPress, but you may input HTML coding yourself if you are familiar with it and can also upload your site by using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) if you have the know-how.

Pros and Cons of WA

In my opinion, no business building training platform has everything. Therefore, we need to make our decision based on which one will best meet our needs. Let’s see if WA can meet those needs.

The Pros:

  • No experience is needed! A background using HTML and/or marketing is a benefit, but not necessary.
  • Join for FREE and stay as long as you like in the Starter membership.
  • 2 FREE easy to build WordPress websites with Starter membership and up to 50 websites with the Premium membership.
  • Excellent training with regular updates.
  • Experienced premium members contribute additional training and tips based on their own business experiences.
  • Provides clear training action plan.
  • Step-by-Step tutorials, courses, and video training.
  • Interactive assistance from founders and experienced members.
  • State of the Art hosting service.
  • Zero tolerance spam environment.
  • With the exception of Premium membership, there is never any up-selling.
  • Definitely not a get-rich-scheme (no MLM).
  • Personal 1-on-1 coaching from the founders.
  • Support from the WA community of more than 1.2 million members 24/7.
  • Unlimited use of WA Jaaxy Keyword Tool for premium members.
  • Live Webinar Training every Friday, but if you miss it they are posted for you to watch later for premium members.
  • 24-hour Live Chat available (this is also listed as a “Con”)

The Cons:

  • Great Starter membership to see all that WA offers, but you will need to upgrade to the Premium membership in order to access all the features because after you have held a Starter membership for 7 days your access to premium features will be restricted.
  • Not allowed to advertise or sell your own products within WA. (Personally, I see this as a “pro” because the WA community does not get bogged down with unnecessary personal ads that can problems with the efficiency of the site.
  • So much information can be overwhelming for beginners. You will have to be motivated to stay on course and take each task one at a time.
  • 24-hour live chat may be distracting because members are just chatting about any and everything. It is not conducive to getting questions answered there because they get overlooked by all the member chatting.

As you can see the “pros” far outweigh the “cons”. Wealthy Affiliate is most likely the most helpful online business building and training community you can find!

Who Is Best Suited To Be A Part of WA

Wealthy Affiliate’s primary purpose is to teach people how to build an online business. It teaches people how to do marketing and earn extra income. If you are not motivated or are not willing to learn, this is probably not for you. But, there are people who can benefit greatly from the program.

  1. People who are retired and want to remain active or want to supplement their retirement income,
  2. People who are tired of the 9 to 5 time-clock and want to be their own boss.
  3. Students who need extra income to pay for tuition.
  4. Stay at home mothers who have children and can’t work outside of the home.
  5. Disabled people who are confined to their home, but need additional income or want to satisfy
    their need to feel a sense of accomplishment.
  6. People who already own a business but want to build a brand with more online visibility.
  7. People who want to earn extra income to supplement their salary.
  8. People who are unable to find employment.
  9. People who want to gain financial freedom.

Wealthy Affiliate is a good fit for just about everyone! However, to make it work you have to be willing to invest time and effort to turn your dreams into reality. This will be about changing your life for the better. The best part about starting an online business is that you do not need nearly the amount of startup capital as you would a brick and mortar business.

What’s New at Wealthy Affiliate?


In early 2018, Wealthy Affiliate started rolling out some fantastic new features on top of all the great attributes they already have!   I’m quite excited about them and I want to share them with you.

SSL Certificates

If you know anything about websites, you know that an SSL Certificate indicates that the site is secure.  I initially, did not have an SSL Certificate because I couldn’t afford the approximately $50.00 (at least) you have to pay every year for each website you have.

Now, thanks to Wealthy Affiliate I can now have the needed SSL Certificate for all of my websites without paying one pretty penny!  Yes, it’s free not just for one website, but all of my websites hosted with Wealthy Affiliate.

This feature is now included free for all Premium members.  Unfortunately, those who are still in the Starter membership will not be eligible for this awesome website tool.


Wealthy Affiliate is now the only all-inclusive domain platform!  It currently has all the attributes you would find in other registrars, but at no extra cost here at WA that you normally would find elsewhere.

Other features included with the WA domain platform are:

  • WHOIS Privacy Protection
  • Support 24 hours, 7 days a week
  • Next year pricing guarantee
  • Domain security
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Advanced DNS management and instant set-up

If you are a Starter member or a premium member, all these features are included at no additional cost for any domain that you have registered through WA Site Domains.

SiteContent – Writing Platform

This new feature is available to both Starter and Premium members at no extra cost.  With this feature entrepreneurs are able to proficiently create and arrange content, to be able to set and track writing goals.  You can also see how your writing compares to the other members of the community.

Over a Million Optimized Graphics

Wealthy Affiliate has now included more than a million images that can be found in SiteContent.  The images can be used in any way you want to use them.  The images are already automatically optimized so that they will load quickly to your website.  This feature is available to Premium members only.

Spelling/Grammar Checkers

As previously mentioned, the Site Content is available to Starter and Premium members.  Along with that grammar and spell checkers are now available to both levels of membership.

What I find so interesting about this new feature is that spelling and grammar checkers become more competent as you continue to write.  Yes, the checker learns from the activity that you do.  It’s amazing.

Plagiarism Checker

I personally, run all articles I write through an excellent plagiarism checker.  I realize that sometimes we can unintentionally use words that match other writers’ words.  To avoid any instances of Plagiarism, every writer should get into that habit.

In SiteContent before you publish any articles to your website, the article goes through a very complicated plagiarism checker.  Wealthy Affiliate’s plagiarism checker compares your article to more than eight billion online pages to ensure you are not publishing any duplicate content.

The plagiarism checker is not accessible to Starter members.  If you are not ready to invest in the Premium membership, it is still advisable that you use some sort of plagiarism checker.

Be warned, however, that free checkers are limited in the degree of checking they do and also don’t have as many databases to verify matching words.

Keyword and Research Platform

In mid-December 2017, Jaaxy Keyword Tool was totally included in the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform for both Starter and Premium memberships.  There is no longer a need to log into a separate website to use Jaaxy.

The free WA Keyword Tool is no longer available.  However, there are now four membership levels to the new Jaaxy.

  • Jaaxy Starter
  • Jaaxy Lite (New)
  • Jaaxy Pro
  • Jaaxy Enterprise

Another good feature is that now whenever you get a referral to Wealthy Affiliate you also get one to Jaaxy as well!

Learn more about the new features in my updated Jaaxy Review information for the Jaaxy Keyword and Research Tool update.

The Affiliate Program

The affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate is one of the highest paying programs. Statistics revealed that Wealthy Affiliate pays affiliate marketers more than one million dollars each year in commissions!

How can this be? Its because Wealthy Affiliate provides its members with access to the best affiliate training platform available in the world! And, that exceptional training leads members to increase their rate of conversions and thus, to create an unlimited amount of earning power.






Wealthy Affiliate Complaints

As a Premium member of WA, I have not had any complaints about Wealthy Affiliate thus far. I have noticed a few unhappy members online. I recognize that you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please everyone all of the time. What I do know is that there is far more good than bad.

Some of the complaints made do not hold much stock in my opinion.

  1. Some have been disgruntled because they have lost their “write access”. What that means is that a Starter member who had access to premium member privileges for the first 7 days after they joined. But, after those 7 days, if the individual does not upgrade to the Premium membership, many of the features are restricted because they only have Starter membership.

Usually, when a member loses their write access it is because they have exceeded the 7day limit to the Premium access. To regain their write access they only need to upgrade to the Premium (paid) membership. This is explained when they first join and receive emails requesting them to upgrade their membership.

This should not be considered a valid complaint because this problem was caused by the Starter member’s failed action to upgrade their membership. This is simply the requirement of the Starter membership because that membership is only offered as an option for people to be able to get a sense of what Wealthy Affiliate is about. WA allows you to try before you buy.

2.  An unusual occurrence, but there have been a few billing issues.  From what       I could research, there were a couple of complaints about a billing issue during the last 9 years or so.

It is difficult to see how there can be a real billing issue because the members are in complete control of their membership and they are not under any sort of contracts or non-disclosure issues.

You can join or not join and you can stay or cancel your membership at any time.  In a member’s profile account it always shows when the next payment is due.  You can change the credit card that you want to be charged on.

However, only a few billing issues in the last 9 years or so isn’t such a bad track record.

3.  There was a complaint with BBB that the member could not access his account and got no response from customer service. The only recourse that the member wanted was to get into his account.

When he attempted to sign up again the system denied him because he already had an account. The issue was that the member was using a different email address that he had used when he signed up for the account. The matter was resolved.

4.  Write access was denied because multiple users in the system marked the member’s comments or content as “spam” multiple times which resulted in the denial of write access. The issue was resolved.

5.  Member updated to Premium status; stated he was only going to do the first discounted month and was no longer interested and wanted to know why WA took money from his account without authorization.

It appeared that the member did not remember the terms of service or never read them because he was not aware that all billing is recurring on a monthly basis. All members must accept the terms before making payment and the terms are also clearly explained on the order page.

The issue was resolved and the member has reimbursed the reoccurring billing that was processed and the membership was terminated.

6.  Another write access denied during a member’s live chat session. Write access was denied because a high number of people marked the member’s content as SPAM by clicking on their “SPAM” button.



After reviewing these complaints to the BBB, you can see that the issues that were complained about really stemmed from the actions or lack of actions by the members themselves and not really caused by anything created by Wealthy Affiliate.

Also, the fact that Wealthy Affiliate is not BBB accredited means nothing because businesses are under no obligation to seek accreditation with them.

Even though not accredited, WA opened a BBB file in December 2008. Niche Marketing Inc is the mother company of WA Inc. As of August 10, 2015, the BBB rating is “B+”.

In the last 3 years, Wealthy Affiliate had a total of 7 closed complaints. Five of those complaints were closed in the last 12 months.

To give you something to compare to, Empower Network, LLC who launched only in 2011 had a total of 146 complaints with BBB in the last 3 years with 121 closed in the last 12 months. I say that Wealthy Affiliate has a pretty good customer service track record!!

It’s A Wrap

To become an affiliate marketer requires no experience. At Wealthy Affiliate University you can learn all that you need to know to become successful.

It is the best affiliate training program I have come across for acquiring the knowledge base to become a full time (or part-time) affiliate, marketer.

One difference that makes Wealthy Affiliate stand out way above the other affiliate training platforms is that WA actually provides step-by-step training via written material and instructional videos.

They also provide live training webinars every Friday and if you miss the live training you can view the videos later if you are a Premium member. In addition, support is provided by the founders of the company as well as the entire community of experienced affiliate marketers.

I have attempted to give you as much information about Wealthy Affiliate to allow you to make an informed decision about joining.

If you are really interested in building an online business to earn passive income and have little to no experience, this affiliate training platform is made especially for you!!

However, it’s also for those who do have experience. Wealthy Affiliate is my # 1 recommendation for learning how to build your business while you are learning.

If you still have any doubts about whether WA is for you, try it for yourself for free. Get rid of whatever may be holding you back.

I was skeptical too, but I took the chance because I was determined to find a way to change my life for the better. I haven’t regretted moving forward not for one minute. I don’t think you will either!

Summary Overview:

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Sales Page:    https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com

My Overall Ranking: 98 out of 100 points

Read Real Testimonies: Read Reviews


Recommendation: [X] Highly Recommended [ ] Recommended [ ] NOT Recommended

Free Bonuses

By signing up for Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Starter Account through my website, I will give you two bonuses if you sign up as a Premium member within the first 7 days.

One of the bonuses will be a 59% discount on your first month of membership. That means it will only cost you $19.00 for your first month. That comes to only $.63 per day for the first month.

Just click the image below to get started today!


WA provides step-by-step training that even a newbie can learn.


I would love to hear about your personal experience or a brief assessment of Wealthy Affiliate.

Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through wealthyaffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).


Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate

email: verna@momstrustedaffiliate.com



  1. Kim

    I am a mother of one and one on the way. I’ve got a lot to say about family life, business travel and on and on I could go. 🙂 Thanks for all the insight into making money from home, where I will be tied to with two kidlets. Why not turn my expertise into some income!
    Thanks for your research and knowledge!

    1. Verna Mason

      Hi Kim,

      Thanks for reading my article. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is a great resource for Moms looking for a way to earn money while they are taking care of the kids and home. Looks like you are already on your way because you have mentioned some great “niche” ideas to create an online business.

      Thank you for reviewing my article and send best wishes for your success. Take it slow and easy and I’m sure you will be happy with your Wealthy Affiliate online business.


  2. Madeline

    Am I already a part of wealthy affiliate and I love it! I love this article you posted and me as a member I agree with your excitement about the program. Reading this article introduced me to more aspects of wealthy affiliate that I did not know about and I am excited to learn more about. Wonderful article.

    1. Verna Mason

      Thank you Madeline for taking the time to review my WA review. I really wasn’t sure if it was okay because I don’t think I followed the layout of the article as the one Kyle had suggested. I’m happy that you were able to find out some things you were not aware of.

      I appreciate your review.


  3. John Rico

    Hi there! I have been searching for legit online business in the past years but I always come down to scams. It is really frustrating because I wanted to earn extra income to pay for my bills but I don’t know how to start to. So is this wealthy affiliate really legit? I mean why is it free? There must be a reason behind this. I hope that you can answer my question because I really need some help right now.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi John,

      Wealthy Affiliate is definitely legitimate. Actually, that is how I got my start with an online business. You can do the same thing and you can get started for free. In my review I explained that you can join Wealthy Affiliate for free and you get 2 Rubix websites, but that is only for the first 7 days. The Founders allow people to do this because it is their way of “paying it forward”. Their goals is to help people build a successful online business.

      You are given a trial period to get acquainted with how the site works and start the training classes, but you are only entitled to do Course 1 of the Certification courses and Phase 1 of the Affiliate Boot Camp. During the first 7 days you get all the privileges that Premium members are entitled to get.

      If you decide to become a Premium member you will be required to pay $47 per month or $359 for the next year as I explained. If not, you can stay with the free starter membership for as long as you like, but you will lose access to the Premium membership resources. The amount of monthly fee is a reasonable business expense. No one can start a business with absolutely no cost.

      You said you wanted to earn some income to help you pay some bills. I want to be hones with you. This is not a “get rich quick scheme”. It will take some time to build your website and your traffic before you will start to see a passive income. Therefore, you have to have patience, determination and self-motivation in order to be success at affiliate marketing.

      Bottom line, is that if you are serious about building an online business Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be. It is an excellent training platform and many helpful members in the WA community that are willing to help answer all your questions.

      Thanks for stopping by. I hope the article gave you a lot of insight into what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. You have nothing to lose because you can drive the car before you buy!!

      Let me know if I can be of further help or if you have any more questions.


  4. ZEGU

    Thank you so much for your review which answers many people’s questions. Those who have tried and failed many times and are about to give up.
    You have explained in a way that resonates with many of us out there. After many trials and failures, people end up losing self- confidence.
    What I like about Wealthy Affiliate, which you mentioned, WA helped you get your confidence back. As a result, you managed to chase your dream. Also, started a journey of learning to make money online using ways that pay off. All the best for the future!

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hello Zegu,

      I had always wanted an online business, but could never find the right people/company that could put me on the right track and none of them were willing to give you the “real” information that you needed to be successful.  Wealthy Affiliate holds nothing back because their aim is for you to be successful.  I’m just sorry I didn’t come across them sooner!

      I also tried many times on my own, but was never successful.  I was very frustrated like so many others out there are now.

      I really tried to be very thorough with my review because I wanted people to know all that was being provided to them.  You can’t find that kind of online marketing education anywhere for only $49 a month as well as all the other features they offer. 

      Thank for taking the time to stop by and I’m glad you found this article to be useful.  Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.



  5. Cathy

    Hi, I just want to chip in as a long time member of WA. If you compare their cost of hosting, it’s slightly more than what other companies are offering. But in reality, you are actually getting 25 WordPress domains so that’s potentially 25 online business that you can setup at one go.

    Also, if you stay long enough, the Black Friday deal will give an awesome discount of $299 per year. This has been going on for the past two years or so and I think it may happened again this year in 2018.

    In WA, you always get value addition to the things that you pay and I’ve never regretted my membership here.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Cathy,

      Just this morning I finished creating a table to compare other companies to WA.  I notices then that I only showed the total websites we are given and need to explain the 25/25.  Thanks for the reminders.

      Long-time members like you within the community are a valuable asset to newer members who may need a little help from time to time.  I for one, appreciate the veteran marketers that stay around even though their businesses are successful and thriving.  That is part of what WA is about; members paying it forward by helping others.

      Thanks for stopping by and checking out this article and hopefully you found it to be useful for those wanting to move forward to start an online business for themselves.




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