

Last Updated:  June 16, 2018

What is a Jaaxy Keyword Tool – Its Powerful Research?








I can imagine that you are asking yourself what is a Jaaxy keyword tool? Jaaxy, in my opinion, is the best keywords research tool you can find in the cyber world today.

Hopefully, my Jaaxy review will help show you how useful this tool can be to your online website business. There are many keyword tools out there claiming to be the # 1 tool, but I’m here to let you know that is not the case!

The trend for keyword usage is continuously changing. Many of the so-called keyword research tools technology is not moving forward with the changes. Therefore, those tools cease to be effective, if they ever really were. Outdated research tools will provide outdated research data. What good would that do you?

Who Can Benefit From Using Jaaxy

 Anyone who has an online business, from a novice to someone who has a little online business experience to someone with top-level online experience, can benefit from using Jaaxy keyword research tool.  One reason for that is that Jaaxy can research more than just keywords.

Although this is not an all-inclusive list, these are a few who can and do benefit from using this keyword research tool.

  • Professional bloggers
  • Search engine optimization technicians
  • Freelance copywriters
  • Niche hunters
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Internet marketers who search for their rankings on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

What’s New in Jaaxy?


As good as the Jaaxy keyword research tool already was, it is now even better!  You’re wondering how this could be?  It’s because Jaaxy and Wealthy Affiliate are no longer separated.  There is no longer any reason to leave the Wealthy Affiliate website to do keyword research with the Jaaxy research tool.

That’s right!  Jaaxy has now merged with Wealthy Affiliate training platform.  The old WA Keyword Tool is no longer around.  There is currently only one keyword tool at Wealthy Affiliate, and that is the Jaxxy Keyword Tool.

Jaaxy Has a New Menu

You can find the new Jaaxy menu by going to the left menu and clicking on “Research.”  From the new menu, you can either enter a keyword phrase you want to research or go to one of the other areas to research.

You have the opportunity to open any of the various research areas directly from the new menu.


Wealthy Affiliate Built-in Keyword List

Now, Jaaxy keyword list is built into the interface at Wealthy Affiliate.  You can add, delete or edit the keyword lists.  Further, you can either view your lists or even export them.


You can also forward your lists to the new Site Content to begin writing from the keyword results list.  You can create a draft and save it, or you can send it to the Site Content with the keywords you choose to use.

You will are provided with three choices of what you want to do with your keyword search results.  Your option selections show at the top of the screen.

  • Save to List – Beside each keyword is a box that you check if you want to save that particular keyword to a list.
  • Create Draft for Later – After researching several new keywords, you can draft future articles using the new keywords to be finalized and published later. You will be able to retrieve your draft in the Site Content in the dashboard area.
  • Write Post Now – With keyword research completed, this selection will allow you to create a draft in Site Content and include the new keywords in the body of the Site Content editor and begin to write your article using the new keywords you found.


Starter Members Auto-Connect

When new members join and create an account with Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member, they can begin using Jaaxy keyword tool immediately and don’t have to select a package right away.

Main Features of Jaaxy

Jaaxy’s Pro version is best suited for those who are looking to find basic keywords or those that are just starting an online business.  This list will include some of the features that make up the Pro version.

  • Able to brainstorm niche ideas
  • Get unlimited keyword searched
  • Domain search
  • An affiliate program that allows you to earn income
  • Search engine Optimization analysis
  • Find what the keyword competition is
  • Able to save keyword lists

The Enterprise version has a little more power and a few more features in addition to the features listed in the Pro version.

  • Ability to arrange data
  • Instant domain searches
  • Instant analysis of the competition
  • Processes 5 times faster than the Pro version
  • Search tabs

This version is better fitted for advanced marketers who want to create large keywords lists and is a lot faster.

Pros and Cons

The Pros will tip the scales


Anyone new to building websites and online marketing or any business for that matter will find Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool an absolute “must have”.

  • It is very user-friendly and very easy to learn.
  • This keyword tool is an online web-based application and can be used on any MAC or PC computers and there is no need to download any software.
  • Jaaxy is the bomb at locating high traffic keywords with a low competition with speed and produces accurate, up-to-date data results.
  • Jaaxy gathers and correlates data from all the search engines with their own proprietary data to deliver the most valuable keyword data results like no other keyword research tool can.
  • It could take several hours to come up with just one keyword of the quality that Jaaxy could immediately locate in just a few seconds.
  • Along with the primary keyword, Jaaxy will deliver many others along with it for each and every keyword search you perform.
  • Jaaxy can perform several kinds of searches; keywords, keyword phrases, long-tail phrases, brainstorming, site rank and competition analysis.
  • Jaaxy shows at a glance if the keywords are of high value based on a color coding.
  • No special software needs to be installed.
  • Jaaxy can provide niche ideas and narrows down keywords as well as domain availability.
  • If you have a problem, Jaaxy support resolution is made in a timely manner.
  • It could take several hours to come up with just one keyword of the quality that Jaaxy could immediately locate in just a few seconds. Along with that one, Jaaxy will deliver many others along with it for each and every keyword search you perform.
  • Jaaxy can do this for any kind of search you perform; keywords, keyword phrases, long-tail phrases, brainstorming, site rank and competition analysis. Jaaxy shows at a glance if the keywords are of high value based on a color coding.
  • Jaaxy can provide niche ideas and narrows down keywords as well as domain availability.
  • There is also an affiliate program that allows you to earn passive income.
  • If you have a problem, Jaaxy support resolution is made in a timely manner


Online marketers or anyone who relies on search engine optimization to help drive traffic to their websites, I advocate that Jaaxy is the greatest keyword research tool you could include in your arsenal. Give Jaaxy a free try!


 Nothing in this world is perfect, but I honestly haven’t found anything about Jaaxy that I thought was a con.  However, in talking to others some people had a couple of things they thought could be improved upon, which I will share with you.

  • Allowed only 30 free searches as a Starter member
  • You need an internet connection to access it.
  • Some features will get little use
  • No way to choose the ability to target local or global searches

What Makes Jaaxy Top Dog?

The founders of Jaaxy make it their business to develop the best algorithms that can collect data from all the major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to expose search information that more closely resembles the actual statistics.

They leave out all the extraneous junk that is of no value. The founders ensure that whatever characteristics and tools included in the Jaaxy system provides meaningful benefits for the users. Some of the tools found to be beneficial to users are the keyword tool analysis and the keyword competitor analysis tool.

Online marketers only need to concentrate on a few important keyword measurement areas; monthly traffic searches, how much competition there is (QSR) and Keyword Quality Index (KQI). Personally, I like to include the SEO Power as well.



Monthly Searches (AVG) – Jaaxy can provide the average monthly search amount on keywords. This number represents the quantity of traffic the keyword obtains. The goal is to get the highest page ranking, or at least rank within the first three listed.

If you can manage to do that, it will afford you the opportunity to obtain up to about 60 percent of those monthly searches. If you can’t get in the top 3 rankings, don’t worry. Just make sure you can get ranked on the first page of the search engine list. People will still search what’s on that first page, but most people rarely, if ever go past the first page of the list.

Competition (QSR) – This number represents the number of websites you are competing with. Some recommend that you only use keywords that have a QSR under 400. I keep mine much tighter at 250 and below if at all possible. The lower this number is the better.

Keyword Quality Index (KQI) – Jaaxy uses a color code system to let you know at a glance the quality of the keyword; red=bad, too broad; yellow=may still need to be narrowed and green=best. The KQI is determined by a combination of competition, traffic amount and approximated ranking.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – SEO is where a website or web page is placed on the search engine’s results page. It is the way of getting traffic from the search results that were determined by the search engines. Search engine optimization level is determined by a number rating from 1 to 100; with 1 being the lowest.

So, the higher the SEO number is for your keywords, the probability of better page placement (ranking). I usually try to use keywords that are 90 and higher and I definitely try to fit those keywords that have an SEO of 100 if it is at all possible.

Bottom line is that if you concentrate on meeting the criteria I have shown above you should not have any trouble getting ranked on the first page and preferably in the top 3 to 5 on the search results list.

jaaxy keyword search

Understanding the Jaaxy Symbols

Brain Freeze? Too Tired to Think?

There are times when it seems I can’t get my brain to think; I completely draw a blank! That’s what I call brain freeze; you know that thing that happens when you eat too much ice cream too fast?! Well, if that happens when you are trying to think of a niche or need to narrow broad keywords for the niche, you can call on Jaaxy for help.

In no time at all you will find that Jaaxy will become a tool that you will use almost on a daily basis; every time you write an article or want to create a new niche for another website you will log on to Jaaxy first thing.  Sample the power for yourself!

Training/Tools Overview

Since Jaaxy is an extension of the training platform, Wealthy Affiliate, the co-founders have dedicated specific step-by-step training on how to use the Jaaxy tool.  This training is incorporated into the Wealthy Affiliate Certification Courses.  The training also includes training videos.


 The co-founders, Carson and Kyle offer video training classes to shows you how to use Jaaxy step-by-step.  Kyle and Carson are also available to help you by way of Private Message (PM).  There is also the entire community of experienced affiliate marketers that are available to answer questions in training course discussion areas as well as live chat.  Someone is always available to answer questions or help if you run into a problem.

What Does It All Cost?

 Jaaxy allows you to test drive this research tool to see for yourself just what it can do for you.  It gives you the opportunity to determine if you think it is worth paying a monthly fee.  Jaaxy will allow you to perform 30 search queries of any kind for free.  There are also two paid membership levels.

There has been another membership level added to Jaaxy.  Wealthy Affiliate kept three of the original levels and added one new level.

Membership Levels: 


There has been another membership level added to Jaaxy.  Wealthy Affiliate kept three of the original levels and added one new level.

  •  Jaaxy Starter – This is a free membership that allows you to “kick the tires” to get the feel of the tool. The Starter membership allows you 30 free keyword searches and is one of the original membership levels.
  • Jaaxy Lite – A new membership level. There is unlimited keyword searches but gives some additional features like Site Rank.  This new level of Jaaxy was included as part of the Premium membership to Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Jaaxy Pro – This is the most popular membership level. There is unlimited keyword searches, more vigorous access to Site Rank to track keyword ranks.  This membership entitles you to the complete Jaaxy platform.  It also works at a speed two times faster than the Starter or Lite plans.  This plan is one of the original levels.
  • Jaaxy Enterprise – This level is the cream of the crop and therefore, more expensive. This level is considered to be the best value.  The Enterprise level is for more advanced internet marketers because it is the fastest and most efficient keyword tool within Jaaxy.


Give Jaaxy a try for yourself!


Discounts to Wealthy Affiliate Premium Members

Wealthy Affiliate Co-Founders do have our backs.  They continue to offer ways that are beneficial to Premium members of Wealthy Affiliate.


Being a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate not only gives you complete access to all WA has made available to its members’ online businesses, but it also helps keep the cost down in the purchase of the Jaaxy Keyword Tool.  It is so even though Jaaxy is an entirely separate company that has been successfully integrated with Wealthy Affiliate to create a better user experience.

Added Commissions

Another new financial perk from Jaaxy is now available.  Every time you receive a commission from Wealthy Affiliate for referring new members will now mean a commission for each referral who upgrades to either Jaaxy Pro or Jaaxy Enterprise memberships.  This new feature will have a positive impact over time on your online business income.

Take a look at what you can earn for every Pro or Enterprise referral credited to you.


Jaaxy even provides a calculator for you to determine how many referrals you need to earn a specific amount.

Jaaxy merged with Wealthy Affiliate, and it is not going anywhere.  We will be looking forward to other pending upgrades to Jaaxy between the remaining 2018 through 2019.  I can’t wait!

Integrating the Jaaxy Keyword Tool with Wealthy Affiliate training platform in 2018 is just the tip of the iceberg because there are more great changes coming to Jaaxy in the future!

Live Community or Forum

 There is no live community or forum specifically on the Jaaxy website.  However, because Jaaxy is something of a “spin-off” from the Wealthy Affiliate, discussions about Jaaxy happen within the live community discussions or in the live chat housed on the Wealthy Affiliate website.

Founders of Jaaxy

Carson and Kyle are the co-founders/owners of Jaaxy as well as Wealthy Affiliate University. They put the same commitment and expertise into the creation and development of Jaaxy as they did in Wealthy Affiliate. Their commitment to helping others succeed with being online business owners is evidenced by so many people who are receiving the benefits due to the selflessness of Kyle and Carson.

Committed to helping others succeed!

Committed to helping others succeed!

Final Opinion/Verdict

 Every single time that I write an article I do a keyword search first.  If I had to do that research manually, it would more than likely take me hours to complete it.  However, using Jaaxy I can complete my keyword search in just a few minutes.

Jaaxy is the only keyword research tool that I use because all the information that I need regarding my keywords can be obtained from that one keyword research tool.  It gives me up to date, real-time information.  Most importantly, it cuts hours off of my research time and the information it provides is accurate.

I use Jaaxy just about every single day.  From my own personal experience, I can honestly say that I don’t know what I would do without it because it is the best keyword research tool that I have come across.

I find that this tool is very user-friendly.  It is very easy to learn and you get results quickly. Jaaxy is a very reliable tool and it cuts down on a lot of manual research hours.

Now that you know the answer to the question; “what is a Jaaxy keyword tool?”; go for it because it will lighten some of your workloads!


 Verdict:  [X  ] TOTALLY LEGITIMATE        [  ] SCAM

Recommendation:  [X ] Highly Recommended       [  ] Recommended  [  ] NOT Recommended

Time to Get Started

Why not get started today? Your transition to becoming an online business owner will be much easier and more profitable with using Jaaxy when creating content for your new website. It will be a great help to getting your website and content pages ranked within the first page (if not within the top 3) of the search engine result.

Call to Action

Jaaxy invites you to join as a free member to test drive the system. You can get the first 30 searches for free. If you find that it is not what you need, you are in no way obligated to purchase a full membership. But, I don’t think that will happen because you will see the value that Jaaxy can add to your success with an online business.

Join today for your free trial.  If you go Pro or Enterprise within 14 days, you will receive two bonuses.

In an effort to be transparent to my visitors, I want you to be aware that I get a commission from purchases made through the links in this article.  Please review my full disclosure at the top right of this page.

What is a Jaaxy keyword tool?Try Free Button


By the way, check out my #1 recommendation for the best online affiliate training platform, Wealthy Affiliate University Review where you can get honest, step-by-step instructions that will show you how you can own an online business!!


I would enjoy hearing about your experience with Jaaxy.  Drop a comment below.

Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through wealthyaffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).



Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate

email: verna@momstrustedaffiliate.com



  1. Jovo

    Hi, I think it is easy to agree with your starting statements about Jaaxy. No doubt this is the best tool for keyword research.

    You did not add any cons, so here are some from my side. I find it a bit expensive. It gives QSR, which is a valuable information, but this is a quoted search result. Nobody searches under quotes nowadays. But the truth is, there cannot be anything better because Google will never reveal their ranking criteria.

    I just wonder, is Jaaxc good enough for other search engines, like Bing for example, or is it just a Google engine? Thank you.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Jovo,

      Thanks for letting me know that I didn’t include any “cons” in my review of Jaaxy. That was an oversight on my part.

      Yes, I have learned that a lot of people no longer use quoted search results these days. You asked a great question about whether Jaaxy is good enough for the other search engines or just for Google? That’s something I haven’t thought of, but I will certainly try to find an answer for you. And, I will make sure to update my article to include the information that I find out and also include the “cons” in my review.

      Thanks for providing some additional insight for me.

      Thanks for dropping by. Please come back soon. Thanks for giving your time.


  2. Elizabeth

    Wow Verna, this sounds great. Exactly what I’m looking for. I’m going to go sign up for a test drive. I’m having a brain freeze though, LOL! How does Jaaxy narrow broad keywords for a niche? What kinds of keywords do you start typing when you use this tool? Also, what’s the advantage of Enterprise vs Pro?

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Elizabeth,

      I’m glad you enjoyed my article. I see you have some questions that I will try to help you with.

      1. As far as speed goes, Enterprise membership is 5 times faster (it’s uber-fast) than the Pro membership. in the Pro level, the QSR (Quoted Search Results) have to be obtained manually by clicking on it, but in the Enterprise the QSR automatically loads for you. It is the same for if you are looking for domain name availability. When using the Alphabet Soup method, the Enterprise will give you up to 50 results as opposed to only 15.

      2. A good way to narrow down a broad category is to use the alphabet soup method. If your niche is about plants it is too broad. But in that list you get some narrower keywords like “plants for clay soil” which is not as broad a topic and is a pretty good keyword because it has a search average of 263 per month and there is zero (0) competition with an SEO score of 97. If you now switch over to the alphabet soup, it will give you an entire list of long-tail keyword phrases that you could possibly use from a to z such as, “how to prepare clay soil for planting”.

      3. Not sure if I am understanding the question about what kind of words do you start typing when you use this tool? I would have brain stormed some words that pertain to the niche that I am using. I would first type in those words without giving any consideration to how broad that word(s) may be because you will start to drill down the words to be more specific to your niche.

      Well, I hope I was able to answer your questions.

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I am here to help.

  3. Saraa O.

    Your website was very informative and casual and it kept my interest all the way to the end. The writing tone was as if we were sitting down and having coffee over breakfast like friends.
    I like the way you broke down the pros of using Jaaxy and gave in depth explanation on each of the breakdowns.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Saraa,

      I’m glad you found that my review of the Jaaxy keyword research tool to be useful.

      Yes, I like writing in easy layman terms as if I am speaking directly to someone in a conversation. I like to think it helps my audience to get to know me a little so I can hopefully begin to build relationships as well as provide them with good information.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will do so often. Let me know if there are any questions I can help you with.


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    1. Verna Mason (Post author)


      Let me first apologize for the delayed response. I have recently returned back to WA after a lengthy time away due to life events and illness. Now, that I have returned, I have a lot of catching up to do!

      I am glad that you felt my article was helpful to you and that I was able to provide information that was of value to you. Please feel free to drop by again if there is anything I can help you with.


  5. Derek Marshall

    Hi there Verna

    Thanks you kindly for creating and sharing this review of a very popular keyword research tool with us all. it is really appreciated, thanks.

    I am glad that I stumbled upon this review as I am in the market for a new keyword research tool to help me find those quality keywords that will help to bring in more traffic to my site and yes more sales.

    Do you have specific tutorial on how to use or how to get the best out of Jaaxy?

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Derek,

      If you are looking for a keyword research tool, you don’t need to look any further because you can’t go wrong with choosing Jaaxy.  Here is the link for Jaaxy.   https://momstrustedaffiliate.c

      Yes, there is training for using Jaaxy.   https://momstrustedaffiliate.c

      Jaaxy is the best keyword research tool that I have come across.  It is very comprehensive, but yet it is user-friendly.  I use Jaaxy just about every day and never write any content without doing a Jaaxy search first.

      Recently, Jaaxy was integrated within Wealthy Affiliate (my recommendation for an affiliate marketing training platform).  You should check WA out also if you are looking for some great training for an online marketing business.


      I appreciate you stopping by to check out my article.  I’m so glad you enjoyed it.  Hope to see you around again soon.  I hope these article links help you out.

      Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.



  6. Dave

    Hallo there,

    I have been hearing about Jaaxy a lot from many of my friends lately, so I decided to check it out and see what it is really like.

    I really loved all the features and have even gotten a starter account to help me keep evaluating it. I can learned see myself getting the enterprise account once the 30 free searches are over though. Thanks a bunch.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Dave,

      Once I came across Wealthy Affiliate, where I was first introduced to Jaaxy I never used anything else.  I found it to be very user-friendly.  Learning how to use it was so easy!  I would take it any day over Google Keyword tool or any other keyword tool.

      Your are right.  All the features included provides a big help to marketers right at their finger tips.  In my book, Jaaxy is the top research tool and affordable as well.

      I’m glad you had a chance to check it out for yourself and joined the free version for 30 searches.  Make sure you choose the plan that best fit your business.  The Pro version is best suited for those who are just starting out or have a small online business.  The Enterprise is suited more for the large online businesses. Of course if you have the budget for the Enterprise plan you are more than welcome to go for that one.

      Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad the article was useful. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.  Good luck with Jaaxy!




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