Build A Website Quick and Easy


Last Updated: May 29, 2019

Build a Website Quick and Easy – It’s Reliable, Secure


You probably think that building a website is an extremely difficult and frightening task to attempt.  You would be surprised if I told you that it’s possible to learn how to build a website quick and easy.

I’ll bet you are thinking to yourself that you don’t know the first thing about coding, analytics, search engine optimization, rankings or anything that has to do with creating a website. Well, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to know anything about all that to get started.

The only thing you really need is to have a computer and to at least know how to turn it on!! To be honest with you, if you have no real computer experience, you will most like be working with a learning curve.

With that said, it is still not impossible for you to build your own website and build it for free!!


Technology is a wonderful thing and is always changing and improving. Within the past few years, there are many website builders that have turned up that allow you to basically use your mouse to click, drag or copy and paste text, pictures, videos directly into your website pages.

Then with a click of the mouse, you can publish it! With today’s technology, some people can build the foundation of their website in 3 minutes or less using s good website builder. I know I’m making this seem insanely easy and it is sounding too good to be true, right? But, it is true!!

So, pack your fear away and bring out the confidence and believe in yourself! You are in for a ride, but I promise you won’t be riding alone.

First Things First

What good is a website if you don’t have anywhere to put it? Keeping it on your own computer seems as good as anywhere else you say? That would be kind of senseless because you would be the only one who could see it.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to find a place for your website to live. It’s called “hosting”. Hosting is where your website will take up residence and thrive. So, the first task to complete is finding a good hosting provider.

As you research the different host providers you will see that there are many out there, but they are not the same. Some are okay, some are good, some are excellent and some are just plain lousy.

It can tend to get a little intimidating but don’t fret. Understanding what hosting options are out there will allow you to make the best choice for what your needs are. I will go over a few of them for you here.


Your website needs somewhere to live!

Free Website Hosting

Free hosting is exactly that. For the most part, when you select to use free hosting there will usually be some features that you are restricted from using or you may have limitations placed on how much space you have to use, the amount of bandwidth and even some needed software that you can’t use.

I would not recommend using free hosting because for the most part, they are not trustworthy.  Your website is too valuable to take chances with it.

Standard Website Hosting

Standard website hosting comes at a cost. You are required to pay a fee for a specific amount of internet space that is needed to create your website. You need to join with a hosting organization in order to get your internet space.

Once you register with a host, you will be provided with the use of their high-speed servers, some software and other amenities, which will vary from host to host.  This type of hosting is good for businesses that have a domain name.

When you pay for hosting you will usually have more features and security than a free hosting service. If you research you can find standard hosting service really cheap. Just remember that all hosting providers are not equal, so you have to do your research.

E-commerce Website Hosting

This type of hosting is basically the same as the above two hosting types with, what I think is a major difference. This type of hosting includes another element that improves the security of your site.

It adds a secure socket layer (SSL). Adding this element makes the server you are hosted on to be more secure when selling products on the web in order to protect customers when using personal information such as a credit card.

A lot of hosting providers will allow your website domains to use their SSL certificates but will charge an additional fee. This type of hosting will also include the use of shopping carts and other useful features if you want an online store on your site.

In order to get your website on the internet, you must have a hosting provider. Hosting providers cost anywhere from free to business hosting, which is very expensive.

The choice is yours, but much depends on how you plan to use your site, the amount you can or are willing to pay and how much time you want to have to spend maintaining servers that will be used by your website.


Before you begin to build the framework of your website, you need to build the groundwork from which to start. The first decision you will need to make about your website is what the topic of your site will be. In the world of internet marketing, we refer to a “topic” as a “niche”.

When choosing a niche you should brainstorm and make a list of things that interest you, things that you care a lot (passionate) about. Your first list of ideas should be general or a broad topic.

Then you should continue to brainstorm so you can narrow the topic down to be more specific. You can also use a keyword search tool to help narrow down your topic. We will talk about the keyword tool later on this page.


Brainstorm niche ideas then narrow them down.

Another important consideration you should give when choosing a niche is whether or not you are looking to have a profitable website to earn extra income. You would need to decide what products and/or services you want to sell.

Or, you could decide to become an affiliate marketer and promote other businesses’ products and earn commissions (passive income).

Again, the keyword tool can help you determine how much competition your niche has. Some say to not use niches that have competition numbers of 300 or more. I like to keep my competition numbers no higher than 50. The less competition your niche has, the more profitable it should be.

Before making a final decision on a niche, consider these things:

  1. In your opinion, how many products would you need to sell every month to make a sufficient profit?
  2. Are other people interested in your selected niche?
  3. Is there an opportunity for growth in your niche? That is, would you be able to expand out into other related niches?

All your niches do not have to be monetized. As a beginner to online marketing, I suggest that you do not focus so much on the money aspects at all. Concentrate on how your website can be helpful to others.

Remember that people search online because they are looking for some help with a specific thing. Choosing a niche is a decision that only you can make about your website because you are the one that must be comfortable with it.

Keyword Research

People search for many different things on the internet before making a purchase. They depend on the list of the search engines result pages. People generally don’t look beyond the first page and they will click on the sites that have ranked highest on the results list.

For your online business to be successful it is imperative that your website rank as high on the search engine results list as possible, but at least on the first page.

There are a few things that can determine where your site will place in the search engine rankings. You should start first with the best set of keywords and phrases. Researching the right keywords is probably one of the most important phases of search engine optimization.

Using the right keywords help you to match your written content to what your audiences are looking for. Your keywords and phrases need to get traffic to your site to translate to paying customers, what we refer to as conversion.


Find the best keyword.

The “right” keywords are those that have a high number of searches (the number of searches that were made on that particular keyword) and a low number of competitions (number of websites you are competing with). Think like a visitor and make a list based on your hunches of the words you think people will use to search for your niche.

Then use a keyword research tool to help you identify which words on your list can be evaluated to meet the high searches and low competition criteria. It can also provide you with additional and more specific keywords to use. It is prudent to perform a keyword search to get about five to ten good keyword terms to try and rank for.

For more detailed information on keywords and phrases, read my article Keyword Research.

Choosing a Domain Name

Now that you have decided what your website niche will be and you have researched your best set of keywords and phrases, it’s time to think about choosing a domain name for your website.

A good domain name will let people know what your website is about. Applying some specific rules to choosing a domain name will be very helpful.

The most acceptable domain extensions are .com, .org, and .net. The most professional of these is the .com extension. If you are serious about having a successful site it is better to only select .com domains that are available.

Create a unique domain name. If possible always try to create a domain name that contains your keywords. Try to develop other keywords within your best keywords.

For example, my keywords are “how to ice skate”. I could choose one of these domain names: “”,  “”, or “”.

Never use a domain name that can be confused with someone else’s. Don’t make your domain name the plural or hyphenated of another domain name.


Create a unique domain name.

For instance, if someone has the domain name of “”, don’t use “” or “”.

Also, don’t use misspelled version of a domain name already being used such as and

Your domain name should be easy to remember, easy to type, and as short as possible. Your domain name should help brand you and you will hinder that if your domain requires a lot of attention to type because it is too long or difficult to spell.

Also, avoid using double letters. Make the domain name easy to remember because many times people will use word-of-mouth to share your domain name with others.

Your domain name should tell people what your site content will be about. For instance, and will let you know immediately what those websites are about as opposed to and

For more detailed information on how to get and register domain names, refer to my article Domain Name.

Choose a Free Website Builder

Over that last several years, many free trials and paid account website builders have been popping up.  You need to choose one if you have no experience with creating a website.

These website builders allow you to build a website with no prior experience. Just know that all are not the same and some provide more free tools, support, education mentoring and more website optimization and pre-designed themes and more.

A website builder should include an “editor” that will make creating your content a breeze. Don’t misunderstand! The editor will not create the content of your pages, but it will do all the HTML coding for you.

HTML is the language that is used that instructs the internet how to display what your website will look (the design) when people view it. It will set up what the type of print will be, the print color, images, videos and much more.


The editor translates your written content into computer language for you.

There is this great content management system, Word Press that will become a very good friend to those who have no experience.  Believe it or not, it’s a good friend to even those who do have experience.

That’s because it does most everything for you except compose your content.  And, what it doesn’t do, there is an entire community of experienced members waiting in the wings to help when you need it.

Most site builders tend to use an editor called Word Press. It is free to download, but many site builders will require that you install it before you can use it. Some site builders will make it an easy one-click install process but others do not.

Word Press, in my opinion, is the most user-friendly editor to use to provide themes and to build your pages of content on your website. There is not much to using it other than to cut and paste or drag and click when using Word Press.

Word Press does everything for you, including the coding! You just write the content that goes on the pages!

Create Content

However, you will have to invest time into writing content for all your pages and posts and situating your pages.  But, having to learn code or a lot of technical “mumbo jumbo” is not an obstacle if you really want to build your own website.

After you have built the foundation of your website, you can start to create the content for your pages and posts.  I recommend that you follow the tutorial that you will be provided at Wealthy Affiliate because what I indicate here is simply a starting suggestion.

  • Write content for each of the website menu pages.
  • Write at least 3 in-depth “How to” articles for the niche.
  • Write at least 3 posts.

Continue to repeat this process until there are at least 100 articles on the niche

My Recommended Website Building Tools

Wealthy Affiliate I consider this to be a one-stop-shop. This site is mostly an affiliate marketing training platform. Its main purpose is to train others how to be a successful affiliate marketer.


In doing so it provides everything, I mean everything you need to create a successful online affiliate business that will earn a steady passive income if you follow it step-by-step. Wealthy Affiliate also gives you 2 free websites as a Starter member and a Premium membership for an affordable price.

Host Provider Wealthy Affiliate will also provide hosting for all of your websites. Click on the link and read about what one of the Wealthy Affiliate founders, Kyle has to say about the hosting provided at WA compared to other host providers. Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to be!

Jaaxy This is a keyword search tool that helps you find your niche, determine how many searches come in each month on specific keywords and phrases, how much competition there is, how high the search optimization rates on those keywords and more.

You get a trial that gives you 30 free searches.



Wealthy Affiliate has made the Jaaxy tool as an integral part of the Wealthy Affiliate training platform.  You no longer have to leave the WA site to use the Jaaxy tool.


NameCheap is a great site to obtain domain names. You purchase your .com domain name for about $10.87 for a period of one year. You must renew the domain name before it expires at the end of the one-year period for the same price (subject to any potential increase determined by that business).


NameCheap has increased its prices for domain names to $13.16, which is just about equivalent to what Wealthy Affiliate charges.  That’s why I say it is the second best domain registrar.

You must transfer the domain name to the provider who is hosting your website and that would be the case anytime you purchase your domain name separate from your hosting provider.

NameCheap Domain Registrar

The second best place to register a domain name.


As I have previously mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate is a one-stop affiliate marketing training platform.  Wealthy Affiliate now includes its own Domain Registrar where you can locate millions of available domains and 42K are top-level domains.

Getting your domain names from WA keeps you from having to transfer Domain Name Servers (DNS) to WA to be able to host your website.  See how Wealthy Affiliate’s Domain Registrar costs compare to other registrars by reviewing my article titled Domain Names.


Word Press This is the editor needed to get your written content into your website theme. This comes already installed and ready to use when you choose Wealthy Affiliate to create your websites. There is no additional cost if you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate and there are no headaches of having to install it yourself. Click on the link to view a training webinar that will give you some further information about Word Press.

WordPress Editor

WordPress – One of the most used website editors.

Time to Tell the World

Now that your website is up and running, it is time to let the world know you have arrived!!

  • Make a list of all your friends, acquaintances and colleagues.
  • Setup social media for your website with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and possibly Instagram.
  • Create a list of all the large blogs and syndicated publications you would like to be featured in according to your budget.
  • Make contact with blogs and websites that allow guest posts or story ideas.
  • Make a good PDF or email series to help you collect email addresses. This should be added to your website.

Keep Your Website Fresh

 Stay on top of your site.  Keep building the promotion of your website through social media and links for SEO because stale likes will be discounted with Google which will lower your page rankings.

My Supporting Statement – Briefly

I used my first site as a stepping off point where I learned things that I didn’t already know. I did have experience in building a website from scratch, but I never used any of the content management systems before. Using a content management system allowed me to complete my website in a lot less time than if I was doing everything from scratch!

When I first started my online business, I was searching for something entirely different from what I found. I accidentally came across a related program that I was able to promote and get my business up and running. That is how I got started in affiliate marketing and I built my first website around that.


I tried many different sites that promised things they couldn’t and didn’t deliver and I was very skeptical about joining yet another. But, I joined Wealthy Affiliate for free and took the opportunity to find out all that they offered and was amazed. I had to give it a try. I’m so glad I did!

I would suggest that you also try affiliate marketing. You could make that be the first website you build because it will give you a chance to learn the ins and outs of building your own site. The upside of doing that is when you finish building an affiliate marketing site you will be on your way to earning passive income and you will officially have an online business. Can’t get any better than that!

Try it, You’ll Like it

Building a website is not the first thing you should do to as you begin the journey of owning your own online business.  You will need training and I know just the place to get it.

This call to action goes out to everyone who may be searching for a way to have their own online business — the young, the old, male, female, unemployed, disabled, dads, moms; anyone looking to earn extra income, tired of the 9 to 5, and looking to be their own boss!

Be on your way to living your dreams!  Learning how to build a website quick and easy will get you off to a great running start!

Then check out my honest Wealthy Affiliate University Review of my #1 recommendation of the best affiliate training platform around.

Let me know what you think.  I’m here to answer any questions.

Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through (here is a link to my profile).


Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate



  1. Julie

    This is a really comprehensive and useful post – I’ve been looking for exactly this kind of information and you nailed it. Your list of website building tools is really useful too; I’ve come across Wealthy Affiliate in a couple other blog posts and now that I’ve read it on yours I’m going to give it a try. Thank you!

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hello Julie,

      I’m glad you found the information in the article to be helpful. My aim is to provide information that will be useful to others who are interested in building an online business that will make their way a little more easy.

      I got my start with Wealthy Affiliate and have learned more than I ever expected to. I think you will be pleased with it also. Let me know what you think of it after you give it a try.

      Thanks for dropping by. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything i can help you with.


  2. Juan

    Great stuff,I always have been looking into ways of taking advantage of the Internet since it is such a huge platform with millions of people surfing the Web and some of them even buying products.

    I believe keyword research is, among many others, one of the most important parts of a website that wants to be successful. I am definitely going to try Jaaxy since it seems a great tool to find the right keywords.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Juan,

      Thanks for checking out my article. Yes, online marketing is a great way to earn extra money and to own your own business. You can reach people all over the world and not be limited to one geographical location. Keyword research is very important when creating your website, which is the core of building a successful business.

      Check of these other articles if you are interested in getting started building a business online and are looking for just the right training platform

      Thanks for dropping by. Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with. Drop by again and let me know what you think.



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