How to Get Traffic for Your Website Fast – Best Ways
The most difficult task to do after you have built a website is to figure out how to get traffic for your website fast. To have any kind of success, this is a must-do task. To get this job done you will need to use many different approaches.
It is extremely necessary that you find the best way to get your website noticed. People who search the internet make up more than a third of the world’s population. That’s billions of people who are your potential customers!!
Getting traffic to your website requires some creativity as well as relentless, ongoing marketing. Implementing the big ideas are always a plus, but it’s the little things that will increase traffic to your website.
It’s always the little things in life that matters!! These little things are the basic steps that most website owners overlook. You ask what they (the little things) are?
Lots of traffic is not always a bad thing!
Ways to Drive Traffic
- Make sure that your printed materials, including business cards, have your website address and why they need to visit your site. Tell people what they can expect to get when they visit your website.
It should be a free gift such as a newsletter with content that will attract their interest, or maybe an e-book, or a discount for something. Doing these suggestions will increase visitors and the more visitors will likely become customers and/or subscribers.
There are many free email signature generators out there. Just do a search online and choose one. Then make a signature and put a link in it that goes to your website. Have it to automatically attach to all your outgoing emails. This may bring potential customers to your site on a daily basis.
- Join in online discussion groups and chats. If allowed, give out your website address. Don’t just join any discussion or chat. Make sure you join in discussions about topics that relate to your website.
Show your knowledge and expertise. Give solutions to problems and point out articles on the topic. But, don’t give sale pitches.
If you provide helpful information in the discussions, people will be led to your profile and an opportunity will come up that allows you to mention that you work in the business.
You need to make people want to come to you and visit your website and purchase. That is called “inbound marketing”. Get yourself out there so you can become a brand.
- Make the social networks work for you. Use all the social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+. I would suggest that you create your profile (and keep them updated) for the business and join the groups that accommodate your audience.
Make friends or connections with like-minded business and people. Whatever you do, do not use spamming techniques ever! The only time you should befriend anyone is when it makes sense.
If you make updates or changes to your website or added a new product or service, announce that on Twitter so your audience will be alerted immediately.
Use Social Media to Boost Your Traffic
- If you have a retail website, a way to direct a lot of traffic is to put merchandise for sale on auction and marketplace sites like eBay, Amazon, and Yahoo because you are allowed to identify yourself. This may cost you less than $100 a month.
But, would it be worth it to you if you could drive up to 500 or more visitors to your website every day? Most of the traffic would probably be coming from eBay. Even if you sell products and make no profit, the increase your site gains in traffic would justify this strategy because it could lead to additional conversions and possible future sales.
- Let’s not forget about the good old email strategy. Email could be the most positive tool for driving traffic to your site. Plus, it is absolutely the cheapest method.
The most important thing to know is that this method actually works. Using customized email has the potential to generate reaction rates increased to about 6 percent.
You can get people to opt into your email list by offering a free monthly email newsletter. The newsletter should have a combination of trends in your niche that include tips an updates regarding sales or discount pricing.
Remember to keep it short! Use interesting lists, tidbits, factoids, and trivia. Emails should contain information readers can process very quickly.
As a guide, give them as much as you can that will fit into the preview screen and just a little bit more below the bottom of the preview screen. Use the sides and corners to promote your products and services.
You can include hyperlinks so readers can quickly click and go directly to your website to find out more information. You can also include a “forward to a friend” so they can help get the word out about what you do.
The cheapest method for driving traffic to your website.
You should always think “viral” when doing online marketing. You should always be encouraging people to spread the word about you. Word of mouth advertising is the best method of free marketing. This is how you also use the power of social media to increase your following, thus increasing your brand.
Traffic Translates to Conversions
Online business owners are constantly seeking ways to drive relevant traffic to their website. Some of these ideas will not be a quick fix, but several of these suggestions will very quickly begin to generate better results with your website traffic.
- Create a Forum – Include a forum on your website because this can immediately start ranking for long-tail keywords. Using forums can decrease the website’s “bounce” rate and at the same time, it can increase the length of time visitors stay on your site. Including a forum can also help build a sense of community.
- Use Long-Tail Keywords – These are three or four keyword phrases that are very specific to your product or service. This is pertinent because whenever an individual uses a very specific search phrase, they are usually looking for exactly what they are intending to purchase.
- Start a Facebook Group – Start a group that is specific to your niche where members can make inquiries and get support. Remember to direct them back to your website content when you have written posts or pages that are relevant to the inquiry.
- Submit Posts to… — You can submit your blog posts to StumbleUpon. This website maintains a huge collection of the best pages on the internet. People go here to find where to go by telling what their interests are. Then StumbleUpon will recommend the websites, photos or videos to the individual. This is another way to get your site out there. It really works.
- Improve Your Headlines – Make sure your headlines can stimulate interest and they clearly communicate the benefits of your site. Your headlines should be what gets visitors to your door, especially when you share your post with social media.
- Include Links to Your Own Posts – Whenever you create a post, make sure to mention other related posts you have written. This is also great for SEO as it will increase the time spent on your site, improve conversion rates and provide referral traffic.
- Update Existing Posts – Go through your post archives to make sure your old posts have unique title tags, URLs, and meta descriptions. It’s a good idea to keep all of your pages and posts optimized so your rankings don’t drop.
- Irrelevant Google Sitelinks – Google site links are automatically generated. Did you know that you can “demote” URLs you don’t want to show? By doing that it could raise the likelihood that the URLs you want to get listed can show up. You can do this by using Google Webmaster Tools I referred to earlier in this article.
- Post Frequently – By creating regular content-rich posts and pages, about 6 times a week, you could possibly increase your site traffic by about 18 percent.
Google Analytic Tool Shows How Traffic Increases (or Decreases)
Building organic traffic to your website is probably one of the most difficult tasks that you will be required to do in your business. However, it will probably be the best outlay of hard work and time you can give towards your online business.
Building organic traffic means that the content-rich writings you build your website with on the front end could possibly bring you organic traffic for several years to come.
Use the Core of Your Website
Creating a website is not what keeps your site relevant. It takes a lot of consistent work to maintain your website so that it will remain profitable. Whether you outsource the maintenance or do it yourself, it must be done. Building and driving traffic to your site is an activity that is ongoing and should never stop.
Begin by targeting low-hanging fruit, which are keywords that could generate a minimum amount of traffic. Create a content focused website. Analyze and target your audience. The most successful SEO websites come down to the core components of the site architecture. It must be scalable, crawlable and it must be tiered.
- Scalable –This means that you need a system that can grow as large as you need or want it to.
- Crawlable – The structure of your website pages must allow for all the most important content to easily and quickly be crawled and indexed by the search engines. It’s not as easy as it sounds though. You must make sure that your content is submitted in the best format for robots to analyze the input and to create an internal representation of it to use in subsequent processing.
- Tiered – This is when the structural design of your URL is built in a way that the authority runs up through your directories. For instance, to build authority around a core concept, focus the domain on that concept.
Are the Decks Stacked Against Us?
As an internet marketer, I have sometimes felt like the cards were stacked against me. If you are new to this business, I’m pretty sure you have felt that same way one time or another. As a small business owner (especially when first starting out), we don’t have the kind of capital that our big competitors have.
We also don’t have the ability to hire other marketers to assist us. So, how can we stake out a little piece of the online market for ourselves going up against those kinds of chances? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You have got to do the work! Here are a few ways to help build trust to drive more traffic.
- Host a webinar or webcast – You should have enough expertise in the niche you have chosen that people would enjoy hearing what you have to say. Choose the topic and simply make a presentation that is fun and engaging to your audience.
Carol Tice, who is a contributor to the Entrepreneur, wrote an excellent article – Seven Tips for Hosting Webinars that Rock.
- Develop a Podcast – Some people aren’t comfortable speaking in front of a live audience, but there is something else you can do instead. Create a podcast. This is really an excellent way to get traffic to your website. However, you have to regularly promote it.
To help promote your podcast, you can get someone who has a large following on social media to help you promote it. Don’t be afraid to ask people to join your podcast to help you.
- Create Quizzes – Some think this is better than using webinars. I look at it as an equally good method to attract more traffic to your site. Strangely enough, people connect with taking quizzes at an amazingly high rate. For some reason, they are willing to spend a lot of time completing the quizzes. But, more importantly, they then share the quizzes with others via social media.
If the quiz is designed correctly, it can obtain important data on people such as, who they are and what they know about a certain subject matter. People also are willing to answer survey questions before they are able to receive the results of the quiz.
Another important thing about using quizzes is that because they are usually engaging, quizzes have the ability to result in a lot higher rates for completed opt-in forms.
This method of attracting more traffic is definitely a must to try!
- Search Engine Optimization – Taking the time to make your website search engine-friendly is not a choice; it is mandatory if you want your pages to rank high and be seen. Don’t put this on the back burner or cut corners if you want your website to be a success.
Are the decks stacked against us?
Contrary to what most people think, there is no big secret to getting traffic to your website. It’s all about a lot of hard work. It takes a steady effort over an extended period of time.
You don’t have to be a genius to get traffic to your site. You may be surprised to know that it can be the small things such as fine-tuning your keywords or make changes to the headlines of your pages and posts can drive more traffic to your site.
Keep in mind that there are many methods that can be used to drive traffic, so be sure to use as many as you can. Don’t think it’s only about the keywords.
Call to Action
If you are still contemplating getting into the affiliate marketing business, may I recommend that the next step you should take is to check out my articles Getting Started to find out what your first steps should be and my honest Wealthy Affiliate Review for my #1 recommendation for the best affiliate training platform for creating an online business.
Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through (here is a link to my profile).
I would love to hear comments about some of the methods you use to get traffic to your website.
Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate
Great content. I can certainly use this kind of information. Thanks.
Hi Forrest,
Thanks for stopping by to check out my article. I’m glad you were able to find the information in my article useful. Building traffic to your website is essential for the success of an online business. Website owners should take the time and the effort to put the needed attention to building traffic by using all resource avenues.
Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you with anything.
I am very impressed with your site. I read your bio on WA and just had to visit your site. I have book marked for return visits.
I envy your ability!!!
Befriend me on FB
Hello Ray,
I’m so glad you enjoyed my site and thank you for bookmarking it.
I really don’t have any special ability. I just try to write articles that will be helpful to other that ate in the business, particularly new marketers.
I look forward to seeing you around my site anytime. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with, but you probably know more than I do!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I will join you on FB.