The Proven System


I feel that I am a fairly intelligent person who has the ability to make good decisions. I am a hard worker, who has always tried to do the right thing. There was a time when it seemed like no matter what I did I just couldn’t catch the break that I needed.

That is, why did I always have to live from paycheck to paycheck? I mean after all, I was always willing to work hard to get ahead and to provide for my family.


For years, I have always wanted to own my own business. I tried being a balloon provider. You’re probably saying, “What the heck is a balloon provider?” Well, I used to be one of those people who decorate with balloons making arches, center pieces and a variety of other balloon party decorating, even weddings! That didn’t work out so well.

As the internet gained its popularity with online businesses, I thought this had to be what I was looking for all these years and it would be so easy. Was I ever so wrong! I can’t begin to tell you how many “proven systems” I bought over the years.

I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars buying all the “gurus” systems that were guaranteed to work. Every proven system that was supposed to help me earn extra income really could do that.  The problem was, I didn’t get the education that went along with those systems.

I was left to muddle through trying to learn the proven systems all on my own. What about tech support, you say? You got jokes, unh? (:>)

I think those people prided themselves on how to do their best not to give you any secrets. And, if they did give you a nugget of information you had to buy something else to get it. The up sales were way over done!

 They promise everything, but give nothing!

They promise everything, but give nothing!

After a while I got smart about the proven system gurus. I used to pride myself on that. I had gotten internet savvy and started checking those guys out before I purchased anything. If I didn’t find them listed under the scam alert watches and they got good reviews, I knew I was safe. I was wrong again!

If they weren’t called out in a scam alert and they had a good review didn’t clear them as the good guys either. I thought as long as I did my due diligence to research to make sure they weren’t scams I could trust their guarantee that they were the real deal. I continued to be duped for my money and all I wanted to do was find a way to make some honest money to help me financially.

For a period of time I gave up trying to own an online business, but that desire just kept nagging at me and I couldn’t let it go. Also, my financial situation was going deeper into the hole. I had to do something to change the tide. Thus, I got back on the train to get an online business up and running.

After doing a lot of praying I came across a website of an affiliate marketer, who led me to a real, honest and beneficial affiliate marketing business, Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate provides education every step of the way to help individuals get their business online and competitive with other online businesses. No more taking shots in the dark!

financially-independent Road Sign

After all the systems I have tried and after all the money I have spent, I wouldn’t even consider recommending anyone if I didn’t truly believe that the company did not put their members first. They teach you everything you need to get an online business up and running. You don’t need much computer knowledge to do this online business because they educate you fully and believe in simplicity.

Let me say this though. Nothing worth having comes easy. By that I mean that initially you have to put in the time and effort to learn. They can’t do that part for you. You won’t have to start from scratch.

See what other successful affiliate marketers are doing and then use similar techniques. So, if you are truly looking for real and honest ways to earn extra income you have come to the right place.

I, like so many others got taken by so many so called “gurus” of the internet. However, I have to take the total responsibility for my financial situation. But, I also took total responsibility for changing my situation for the better. Don’t you want to do the same?

Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through (here is a link to my profile).

Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate



  1. Johnson

    Wealthy Affiliate i will say is the best platform for any work at home mom and anyone who’s interested in building a successful online business.

    Thanks for taking out time in telling us your story and how you know wealthy affiliate is not just a community of great minded individual but also a place for online success

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Johnson,

      I wanted people to understand that so many of us have been scammed by the get rick quick schemes and they are not alone. I wanted to share with them about a real, honest to goodness platform that they could trust to give them what they promised. And yes, it is definitely a place for help people build a successful online business!

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Your comments were appreciated. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


  2. Boniface

    Hi Verna8767
    That’s quite an interesting article and it is certainly beneficial to us readers when seeking quality and
    informative information on home based internet revenue generating opportunities.
    I especially like your point that nothing good comes easy. Indeed, Wealthy Affiliate platform trains best.
    Wishing you a happy new year!

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Boniface,

      Thanks for taking the time to check out my article. It’s true — nothing good comes easy. If it was easy we would not appreciate it as much as we should.

      I agree, WA is an excellent affiliate training platform like no other. I have learned so much already and am looking forward to even more learning.

      I appreciate your comments. Stop by anytime. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

      Happy New Year and I wish you many more!


  3. Debra

    Hi Verna,
    I have been in the same shoes as you and have come accross the same pitfalls as you as well. Several months ago I came across Wealthy Affiliate and realized that it was the chance of a lifetime.

    Wealthy Affiliate is surely all that it promises to be or presents to be. That speaks volumes when it comes to a program that is trustworthy amongst all the others.

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Debra,

      Happy New Year! Thanks for dropping by.

      There are so many people who have been in that same boat because they believed in the empty promises. I just wanted to let people know that they are not alone and that not everyone is dishonest. I wanted them to know that WA was the first and only training platform that actually delivers what they promise. I wanted them to know that they have another chance to make good and change their life.

      I’m so happy I came across Wealthy Affiliate because it is an excellent affiliate marketing training platform. Glad you made it here too!

      Thanks for the comments. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


  4. Imad

    Hello, Verna.

    Informative article. I enjoyed reading every paragraph, and I think that one of the red flags people should watch out for is the phrase “Proven System”. Other like “Automated” and “Shortcuts” are big scam indicators too.

    The only proven system I know is hard work and dedication. There is no magical fixes or overnight success, and this is what Wealthy Affiliate is teaching us.

    Thanks for sharing this.


    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Imad,

      I agree with you 100%! I liked the fact that the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate instill that in their students from the very start. No rose colored glasses. You work hard and let your passion for success keep you motivated.

      Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the article.


  5. Tim

    Hi Verna,

    I like how you described your personal story about business internet programs. I have spent money in the past all get rich schemes and what I thought was legit solid programs..

    They all let me down. With WA you get a community of like thinks and great lesson plans to help you succeed on the internet.

    I like how you smoothly transitioned into WA Program. I can not say enough about the site and the helpful people within WA.

    You will succeed.


    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Tim,

      I’m glad you had an opportunity to check out this article.

      I think it is important to let others know that you have struggled just as they have and have endured the same bad experiences. Since I have been where they have been (and may still be), I wanted to share that there is an honest program out there that can get them where they want to be. It will take some time, but it can happen if they are motivated and determined and have patience to endure the process.

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate marketing training platform that I have come across and the community of experienced marketers are always willing to answer questions for you.

      Glad to here that you also found WA and I hope you are on your way to the success that you are wanting.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you back again soon. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.




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