What’s the Best Way to Get Your Website Noticed


What’s the Best Way to Get Your Website Noticed?


Congratulations!!! You now have a new website. Your next biggest goal is to figure out what’s the best way to get your website noticed. You don’t want your site to be noticed by only your relatives and friends. You want a website that attracts visitors that appreciate the information you bring to them because you help them find answers to their problems.

The purpose of this article is to show you how to attract visitors and make them eager to come back for even more. Note, however, that not all of these suggestions pertain to your website, but are ways to get visitors to notice your website.


Make Things Happen

What’s the Best Way to Get Your Website Noticed?

Make Your Content Sensational

As you have traveled the internet, you may have noticed fluffy content that doesn’t actually inspire anyone; content that reads like a university textbook or lacks enough pertinent information as to cause visitors to click away from your pages.

You have also noticed content that makes you share it with your friends, content that moves you to bookmark it so that you can come back to it again. This is the type of content your website should have.

Tips for Sensational Content


Write new and captivating content – It is important to keep your content up-to-date and always archive your articles so visitors can refer back to it if they need to.

Create compelling headlines — Your content needs to have awesome headlines. Include powerful emotional phrases. To check how strong your headline is, use a great headline analyzer called CoSchedule.

Write for your target market – Keep in mind that you should always be writing for your target audience. Don’t try to please everyone. Your target audience should always be your number one concern.

Giveaways – Don’t give away the entire storeroom, but try to give away some of your great work. Give some of your best creative information away as a bonus and persuade people to share the information with their associates. Some examples are:

 A free report or an e-book that has loads of helpful information
 A sequence of tutorials
 Special Discounts
 Free Newsletter

Guest Blogging – This is a fantastic and most effective method for us to get noticed by the people you are trying to connect with. By blogging on popular sites you get a backlink to your website. If you produce a great offer you could possibly get a lot of new subscribers every time you do a guest post.

Guest Blogging

Attract more visitors to your website by guest blogging.


Listen to your visitors – You can get feedback from your visitors via a comment section on your pages and posts, direct email (with permission, not spam), include live chat on your website. Doing this will create a connection with your visitors so you can figure out exactly what they are looking for. Make sure you actively monitor and respond to their feedback.

Participate in others’ online community sections – Make comments on an article that was of interest to you and leave your name, the link to your website and your email address. Become a participating member of a pertinent forum.

Sign up to directories – There are a lot of directories that at local, national and even global that you can sign up to. Check out DMOZ.org first. Submit your website to the directories that specialize in your site’s industry as well as the local directories.

Email Signatures – Be certain to include your URL at the end of every single email you send. It would look something like this:

John Doe

Create and run contests – As a way to get activity on your site, you could run contests for such things as coming up with a domain name or a name for a product you create or a logo/favicon design. It could also be as simple as letting your visitors select the topic for your next article or two.

Of course, you will have to come up with a bonus for the winner. You may be able to do first, second and third prize winners. Doing this will give you a chance to attract more visitors and allows you to give something back in return.

Social networking – This is the perfect venue to get your content noticed because you can get it out there in front of millions of people globally. Use the major social networks to post free reports, infographics, videos, and articles.

Use Social Media

Social Networking can reach millions globally.

Incorporate Search Engine Optimization

If you think that visitors are just going to fall on your website, you should probably think again. People conduct online searches because they have a need for information.


Use low competition keywords in the appropriate places within your content. This will allow your content to show for the searches made by your target audience. Using the best keywords to help your pages get ranked in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) will result in your pages being more visible.

Links play a big part of getting your website noticed by via search engine rankings. The links I am talking about are internal links, external links, and backlinks. These links are referred to as either on-site links or off-site links.

On-Site Links

Internal Links – These are on-site links that link from a specific content on your site to another content page within your website. This kind of link can improve the bounce rate on your pages/posts as well as increase the time that visitors are staying on your site.

Deep Links – These links will go to sub-pages. For instance, your navigation tab has a page called “Build a Website”. Then that tab has a drop down that shows two other pages called “Choose a Niche” and “Create Traffic”. These two articles are considered sub-pages. If you link to either of these two articles from within your website, this would be considered a “deep link”. Deep links are better for search engine optimization (SEO).

External Links – These are links from your website to pages to other website pages. Although Google likes to see these kinds of links because it shows that you are confident in the authority of your own website to like to another website. Even so, you should not overdo these kinds of links since they take visitors away from your site.

Off-Site Links

Back Links – These are off-site links that are links coming from other websites that point back to pages on your website. As much as possible, you should always try to get backlinks from websites pages that rank high. These links are known as “High PR (Page Rank)”. However, you can still get link juice from another website page that isn’t ranking high but is still part of the website that is ranking high.

Make sure the connection from the high ranked page is a “do follow” connection to the page on the same website with your link. This may be hard to do. A way around that is to link to pages with next to no page rank as long as the page has ranked on the first page of the SERP (Search Engine Report Page). It’s not just about the individual ranking of the page, but also about the authority of the domain itself.

Gold Bank Links

High Page Ranking Authority Site Back Links are Golden!

Visual Enhancement

Looking at a page with nothing but sentence after sentence isn’t very appealing. It is actually very boring to look at! Spice your content up with pertinent images. Try to have the right combination of text and images.

By nature, people are visual creatures. Images can offer your visitors another kind of experience that they may not get from words alone. Using infographics is the best new method of providing your audience with an easier way to process a lot of information.

Since images are a lot more interesting, visitors are inclined to share the articles more with their friends and associates.


The suggestions that I have made in this article are intended to give your online presence a little enhancement that will help get your website noticed by your target audience and the search engines. All of these suggestions may not work for every niche website, but it is important that you try many different techniques.

Don’t just try them. Make sure you also analyze the techniques you use so you can determine which methods actually work and work the best. It may take some time to develop a solid visitor base, but you will be happy when it happens.

Now that you have taken up residence on the internet and understand what’s the best way to get your website noticed, you can begin the next step. Your next great challenge is to get your website noticed by your target audience and establish your online presence with them. Do this by making yourself stand out from the competition. Work on applying the suggestion into your content creation to begin to see how your website gets noticed more readily.

Your target market

Your challenge is to get your website noticed by your target market!


Please feel free to contact me if you need help with anything. Just make a comment below or you can always get in touch with me through wealthyaffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).


Founder of Your Trusted Affiliate


email: verna@momstrustedaffiliate.com



  1. @Cloakedbeardco

    I’m curious as to what you believe is the single most important part of getting your blog noticed. If you had to choose a type of marketing to help add users to your site which would it be?

    I love using co-schedule now it helps figure out good titles for my articles as well as let me know how to revitalize lacking titles.


    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Cloakedbeardco,

      WOW! I actually think that is a loaded question. I say that because I actually think that it’s a catch 22.

      I firmly believe in the adage that we should write for our audiences and not for search engines. However, I don’t think that writing great content is the only thing that is needed for your website to be successful and to get noticed. I could be the best writer on earth, but if all I do is write a great article that is not what is going to get my articles seen by my target audience or anyone else for that matter. I have to do something in addition to writing great articles.

      I think that search engine optimization (on-page and off-page) plays just as big of a role that good content does because one without the other just won’t work. Your content is DOA if you do nothing to help it get noticed and without content there is no need for SEO.

      I do think that there is a pecking order for it all. First comes the great content along with the on-page and off-page SEO. Also, while you are building out the content on your website, you should also be giving consideration to activities that will help brand your website and you as an authority of your niche. Activities taken to promote your brand can also be used to help get your website noticed. And, so and so forth.

      I think that all of the activities taken to have a successful website and business are all needed. However, if I have to choose one thing, I would have to say the most single important thing to get your website noticed would have to be content. But, I make that choice with this qualifying statement. To write good content, you must know your target audience in order to be able to provide them the information they are looking for; to be able to help your audience to solve their problems. Know What Your Target Audience Wants First before anything.

      Yes, CoSchedule is a great headline tool. I also use it all the time.

      Thanks for stopping by to check out my post. I hoped you found it to be useful information. Let me know if you have any further questions I could help you with.

  2. Sami


    Your post about getting your site noticed had a number of very useable ideas and suggestions.

    As a new site owner, I will be able to use some of these. I think that having other ideas to add to my own is a helpful way to get more comfortable with what I am trying to do. This also gives new concepts to work on for my site.

    Thank you for your post

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hello Sami,

      I’m glad you found my post to be helpful. The purpose of my website is to help people who are new to affiliate marketing to “learn the ropes” so to speak. When I first came into the business I had to do a lot of research so I could know for myself what was going on. When I created my site, I knew I wanted to make it easier for new people coming into the business. So, my site consist of information that will provide newbies with information that I learn that wasn’t covered in a course or I clarified information in easier terms that made it easier to understand.

      I’m glad you got some use from the information in my post. Please feel free to check out my website for some additional information that may help you.



  3. Raymond

    Oh wow. Thanks for the cool tips in how to get visitors.
    I am having trouble getting even one to really read my content.
    Mainly because I am still learning about maintaining a website.
    Your CoSchedule website recommendation is one of my favorite among the tips you suggested. It’s really good and makes you think ways to make the headlines captivating

    1. Verna Mason (Post author)

      Hi Raymond,

      My website focuses on helping new marketers to learn different aspects of the business that betters explains what they may learn in a course or don’t have any idea about it at all, but want to be part of this online marketing business.

      CoSchedule is the best free headline analyzer that I have come across. I always use if before I make a final decision on the title of any new page or post.

      Since you are fairly new to the business, try to check out the rest of my website. Hopefully, you will find some other tips that may help you.

      Thanks for taking the time out to drop by. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.



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